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  • Writer's pictureKing Kundalini

The Methodology Of The 3 Ultimate Dieties. ( NO POLYTHIESM )

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

In reality; all shapes are made from the triangle and/or the circle. The fundamentals of our reality. Conceptionally it entails the methodology of God, the Anti Christ and Lucifer separately. The first (left) edge of the triangle signifies God whose methodology is the safest and least harmful way for all. However the methodology takes the longest time. Then the right and third edge represents lucifer. His philosophy in existence is to take any means necessary to achieve a goal. This is ideal for those seeking self pleasure only. This path is wrong as it means carrying out injustice against a multitude of creation. Finally, the top edge as you would guess; is the way of the anti-christ. His philosophy is to do what's the middle-way that is necessitated from the onset and time of his arrival. Please note; from the time of his arrival onwards, once the world and timeline has been prepared as such to suit this new holographic middle-way.

The top part of the triangle is specifying reality according to each person's desires and unique perseverance frequency.

He is following the mode of God but for only when the middle path has been successively distorted over time by secret societies; making all types of sinning the necessary norm. You can see the top edge of the triangle is a combination of God's path and Satan's path. Finally the circle, is the representation of the messiah who will be born and create a universal peace and a paradise like utopia. Because he will be a diplomacy between all philosophies of existence and unite all these edges of a triangle. Creation will continue until someone with infinite resistance to pain and pleasure is born. This will take place because creation is infinite and so therefore one of such caliber will definitely be generated eventually. Logically speaking.

FINALLY: God unifies the triangle because he is The First and The Last.

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