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  • Writer's pictureKing Kundalini

Medieval Islamic Scholar Lists Strange Hominids Before Adam.

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

Before the scientific enlightenment; Ibn Kathir in his book of history listed 3 beings before Adam. The first is al-hinn which is the neanderthal; and the second is al-binn which is the homo-erectus species. The third is the jinn; these are the genetically engineered mutants, the lower of which mixed with the previous two hominids. There were other hominids too - like the "rimm" and "timm". Some archaeologists stipulate there were 40 different hominids. The higher jinn were the one’s that ruled with the angels in our galaxy. Interpreting What The Prophet Of Islam said; "there are three types of jinn"; One that are reptilian and were-wolf. Another that were vampires moving from place to place. And the last being the pure ones which fly in the air whom are aliens or guardians of the galaxy. The Nephilim giants are Adam’s progeny as Muhammad informed us that he was 60 cubits tall. We’ve seen many archaeological images to prove this. thanks. bye.

There Are Also Aliens Who Are Not Angels Or Jinn & Are Not Bound By Scripture's Laws.

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