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  • Writer's pictureKing Kundalini

What Is The Mother Of Obligations In Islam.

Updated: Apr 29, 2019

One Of The Arch Angels

The Rulers Of The Muslim Lands.

When There is no destined khalifa ruling over us.. we have to depend on our higher self only. The higher self is your mind telling you; what is the most selfless thing to do at each point in time. You cannot do anything of the rulings until you established a righteous ruler. Publicly the ruler cannot miss legislating even just one shari’ah injunction. If He does so then it is apostasy. Privately he can do as he wishes (It’s between him and God) and yet we must still obey him for the sake of unity.

Finally i would like to say that ruling; one or some affairs in oppositon to the Qur'an is an act of disbelief. However, for one to become a disbeliever; one must keep doing disbeleif; you see? So if one establishes a ruling as part of his/her government regime. Then this is a promise to consistent kufr.. which makes one a kafir. Major kufr is when it is evident that the perpetrator plans to permanently commit a type of kufr.

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